Tutoring, Scholarship and Career Services - moving with AI and technology!
Schedule a FREE CONSULTATION today!
We offer in person or remote, Google Meet as well as Zoom based services! The SAT and ACT are back as REQUIRED for 37% of elite institutions.
Call Now: 773 567 8255
FAQ/ Prices
Very easy - just call Loren at 773 567 8255 or email at lorenkal@gmail.com and we can set a free 15-30 minute consultation as soon as you are ready!
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How do I enroll?
My tutors have temperature checks and come in full PPE before tutoring. We are 'gloves' and 'masks' on to ensure your students are engaged but are as safe as possible
Sessions are usually 1.5 hours, but we can negotiate 1 hour or 2 hour sessions. Flexibility is always key!
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How do I know tutoring will be safe and how long are sessions?
What do the pricing plans look like?
We are very flexible and offer a two week trial period before we set 6 week, 12 week, 20 week or one year subscription packages. Prices are very negotiable as we make sure to help you navigate during this difficult time.
We know that with remote learning schedules switching to an 'A'/ 'B' format in many districts and the fluid nature of what is going on, we work with you to tailor the best plan for your student(s).
Here are our working pricing plans:
'Pug Package': 2-4 week package of tutoring twice a week for $175 a week or three times a week for $210
'Pug Premium Package': 2-4 week package of tutoring four to five times a week for $300. THE FIFTH TUTORING SESSION IS FREE AND BI-WEEKLY! IT CAN BE ANY WEEKEND DAY (FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY)
'Corgi Package': 10-12 week package of tutoring twice a week (same prices as 'Pug Package')
'Corgi Premium Package': (same prices as 'Pug Pekingese Package')
'Golden Retriever Package': 20-40 week package - PRICES ARE FULLY NEGOTIABLE - we do a free 2 hour consultation and set up the contract for our 'Golden Retriever Package' as we know this is a very difficult time, so we want to make things amenable for you!
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Tutors are to come up with a 'Weekly Study Plan' for students. In today's age of pure remote work, we want to make sure your students are constantly learning and doing 30 minutes to 1.5 hour of set work for each 'mini-plan.'
What is the 'Weekly Study Plan'
We tutor students froom 10 to college grads. We have everything from general homework studies to test prep to job application services